Thank you for a record-breaking 2023 Breakfast of Hope! 



Thank you to everyone who joined us for this year’s Breakfast of Hope! We were blown away by the generosity of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community, with over 450+ individuals coming together to support, spread awareness, and raise funds for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. 

About this year's artwork
2023 Breakfast of Hope features the artwork of Colombian-American and local Charlotte artist, Maria Napier. Napier uses a deconstructed style to tell her story and illustrate complex social issues. Her sculpture, “Two Sides of Me” (2023), is a hand-painted vintage mannequin torso with added features using recycled materials.

“It took me a long time to gather the courage to speak up. It took me a long time to find my way out of the darkness and heal.  I’m now ready to let the light inside of me resurface.  I’m a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence from an ex-husband.  My work “The Two Sides of Me” is inspired by my healing journey. I want to convey the duality of feelings that can affect trauma survivors. The constricting emotions of guilt, shame, and pain as well as those of hope, light, and healing. With this piece, I aim to help others to recognize and confront their own inner struggles and find the courage to seek the help they need.”


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